Community Involvement

Every year, chapter members contribute Church Baskets for the needy.

Cemetery Projects

Chapter members and others continue cemetery maintenance work and place flags on patriot graves.

Constitution Week
Proclamations from the City of Groton and Town of Groton.
Chapter members proudly fly their flags!


DAR Schools
Members collect and donate gift cards .


Excellence in American History

Our chapter participates in the  Excellence in American History program. Each year we give the awards to eighth graders.

Naval Sea Cadet Medal
The Naval Sea Cadet Medal is awarded at the US Submarine Force Museum each year to a student cadet of outstanding ability and achievement.    

DAR Good Citizens
Our chapter participates in the DAR Good Citizen program.  Each year, we select Good Citizen award recipients from local high schools.

Memorial Projects
Washington Stone
Groton, Connecticut

We plant flowers, azaleas, and place flags around the stone.  The stone is "Dedicated in honor of the Bicentennial of George Washington marking the Old Post Road to Boston traveled by him in 1756."

Our Local Veterans
We send various holiday cards to veterans throughout the year.
Family Gifts are donated for veterans to give others. We also provide books, clothes, and other items.


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